Trout steak in a rice crust and green broccoli with a timbale of rice with vegetables



4 Trout fillets
300g Green broccoli
100g Basmati rice
Vegetable stock-cube
160g Vialone nano rice
50g EVO oil
100g Carrots
100g Leek
100g Green cabbage
Salt and pepper to taste


Recipes realized with Chef Edoardo Spinelli in collaboration with Riseria RISO GRAZIA


  1. Pour the Basmati rice into plenty of lightly salted boiling water
  2. Add the broccoli after 5 minutes and cook everything together for another 10 minutes
  3. Drain and let it cool
  4. Season with pepper and the vegetable cube
  5. Blend everything and set aside in a pastry bag
  6. Boil the Vialone nano rice in plenty of salted water
  7. Cut the leek and carrots into strips
  8. Brown the vegetables over high heat with the oil
  9. Place the cream of rice and broccoli on the trout fillets
  10. Cook in a preheated oven at 170° C for 12 minutes
  11. Serve and complete to taste with thinly sliced cabbage and a drizzle of oil